“Why Does It Always Rain on Me?!”

Even though I know that there are few emotions more worthless, disabling, and pathetic than self-pity, especially if it is allowed to become chronic, I still struggle to “avoid the snares” of that particular devil. If left unnamed and unchecked, self-pity can metastasize into full-blown depression.

“Somebody That I Used to Know”

“We must choose to remember that we were all Americans before we were Democrats or Republicans, before we were pro-this or pro that, before we were red states and blue states. That is the common ground on which we can “all get along” and continue to “form a more perfect Union.” That is the proper interpretation of “America First,” not the way it is typically distorted to mean “America Only.”

A Canary in the Catholic Coal Mine

I want to feel welcome in the church of my fathers and my upbringing, and I want to be a good Catholic if that means following the teachings of Jesus. But I’m finding myself wanting less and less to be a member of a church in which too many of its leaders and followers are more interested in turning back the clock to a time of women in veils and the Tridentine mass than meeting the needs of a modern, pluralistic, well-educated, and thinking constituency.


AI has made it increasingly difficult to trust anything we see in photos, on video, or read in print or online and at a time when there are few remaining safe public places. But until we make a leap of faith and are willing to risk trusting one another again, we will continue to spiral downward into an ungovernable state of enmity and anomie.

“Girls in Their Summer Clothes”

Perhaps, a part of my willingness to recycle myself is due to the fact that I struggle intellectually to put much stock in a cognizant existence after this earthly life is through. I keep the door open slightly to the possibility that I’m wrong, but I have found it easier to deeply appreciate my life and those who people it with the belief that my existence is finite rather than banking on what may or not be behind Door #2.