A Canary in the Catholic Coal Mine

I want to feel welcome in the church of my fathers and my upbringing, and I want to be a good Catholic if that means following the teachings of Jesus. But I’m finding myself wanting less and less to be a member of a church in which too many of its leaders and followers are more interested in turning back the clock to a time of women in veils and the Tridentine mass than meeting the needs of a modern, pluralistic, well-educated, and thinking constituency.

Shakespeare, PRIDE, and& Juliet

I have attended more Broadway shows than I can remember. I have witnessed better narratives unfold & heard better musical scores, but I have never smiled, laughed out loud, or had my eyes well up with tears as frequently or with as much pure feeling as I did during & Juliet, which is, at its simplest, a celebration of love in its many forms.