Be a Man. Be a Feminist.

I’d like to thank Rep. Ted Yoho (FL), whose recent display of boorishness reminded me of why every school year I proudly proclaim my feminist status to my students. As a male and former football coach, I typically receive many surprised and sidelong looks but also a few appreciative smirks. Regardless of your politics, Yoho’sContinue reading “Be a Man. Be a Feminist.”

Acceptable Loss?

As a high school teacher, I would wholeheartedly return to the classroom on the directive of my superintendent if the return is to be done in full compliance with CDC guidelines. Should, for example, the six-foot distancing be reduced or masks not be required of all, my enthusiasm for a return to normal wanes dramatically.Continue reading “Acceptable Loss?”

“The Angel Gabriel (Gonti) was Sent.” To Ohio?

As a teacher, whenever I hear that there will be an exchange student in one of my courses, I greet the news with ambivalence. Most often, the student is a joy to have in class and eager to learn and to share their own culture with me and their classmates. Occasionally, however, the exchange studentContinue reading ““The Angel Gabriel (Gonti) was Sent.” To Ohio?”